Dedicated to the Education, Training, and Ascension of the 144,000 Volunteers and Spiritual Leaders that will guide humanity into the New Earth
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- Every Sunday from 6:00 to 8:00 PM ESTNew York City
Ascension is not a healing modality, psychic power, or spiritual gift; it is transcendence out of this reality. For that to happen you have to uproot all the false beliefs that are keeping you bounded to the 3D reality. You have to be open to the possibility that you may be BIGGER, GREATER, and WISER than you have been led to believe. If you are prepared to embark on a journey of self-discovery, transformation, and ascendance; join our expanding community of planetary leaders. Let us guide you toward your transcendence into a HIGHER expression of yourself.

A Primer for Ascension by Pierre Dubois
A PRIMER FOR ASCENSION is a comprehensive, self-empowering, and fundamental manual for all who are serious about the mastery of life and need support in their journey toward ascension.
With the courageous vulnerability and openheartedness that only spiritual masters display, Pierre R. Dubois shares very intimate and awakening life lessons that will radically help accelerate your self-realization process. This jewel of authenticity will bring into focus the achievements, pitfalls, landmarks, and signposts that you need to watch for but that other teachers usually do not talk about. You will undeniably appreciate the divine wisdom of Pierre’s high consciousness that is channeled throughout this manual and be amazed by the generosity of the numerous gifts of self-healing techniques that are offered.
Ultimately, you will discover the underlying universal “block” that slows down humanity’s ascension process and the key to unravel it and propel you to a rapid and successful ascension. You will understand why you cannot manifest your true desires in your current state of consciousness, how through ascension you can simply re-connect to the cosmic power that moves everything and remember that you are a co-creator with God.

My husband and I were trying to conceive for many years. We prayed, hoped, and always knew that one day God would bless us, but we just didn’t understand why there were so many obstacles placed in our path of starting a family. We were both getting older, which was also a concern to us. It wasn’t until we started doing healing with Pierre that we finally opened ourselves to this energy, and today we are pregnant. With Pierre’s continuing healing and guidance, we will one day bring a beautiful being into this world.
Shella T.
Thank you, Pierre, for your profound Celestial Light Healing sessions! You have unraveled physical and energetic knots of long standing that I would never have suspected. The power of the energy flow you channeled through my body was deep and palpable, at times as if your light touch penetrated the skin into the body, at times like measurable electrical currents (think psychic surgery-type interplay). I experienced dimensional, even out-of-body shifts and have seen myself in new perspectives Thank for being the pure channel for transformation, for clearing negative entanglements, and allowing my body, mind, and soul to experience multi-dimensional wellness. The sense of peace I feel afterward has been consistently and hauntingly beautiful. I want more
Janice T.
The work I have been doing with Pierre over the past year has transformed my life in so many ways, most notably my health. I was diagnosed with Lupus about 10 years ago, and during that time my skin was slowly being covered with a red rash. I also couldn’t go in the sun at all. Pierre has helped me to shift my perception of my body and “disease” in general; to where I no longer believe in the diagnosis I was given. When I was finally able to do this the rash on my skin literally began to disappear. It is 90% gone. And the best part is I am able to handle more and more sunlight without a new rash appearing or experiencing the usual fatigue and flare-up that occurs from getting too much sun. I can’t even begin to express how miraculous this has been for me. I am now able to take this and apply it to other areas of my life with results I could never have imagined before doing this work. It has truly been a blessing.
Cynthia G.
Pierre brings unprecedented wisdom and knowledge to his work that spans a wide spectrum of esoteric subjects, spiritual psychology, cutting-edge science, and a lifelong connection to ascended energies and teachings. His spiritual counseling leaves you feeling empowered as he goes beyond the surface layers, and insists on finding the root cause of any issue.
With his strong loving support, he helps you bring about a successful resolution. Pierre is both efficient and effective in helping you find your TRUTH, and this is something that is hard to come by! You will be fully engaged utilizing Pierre’s methodologies and systems which are easily learned and understood. They can be applied and integrated in to your daily practice with minimal effort. Thus enabling you to flow through life in a more graceful and fluid manner.
Mary B.
I met Pierre during a very challenging time in my life and in my business and I knew instantly that I needed to work with him privately to help me heal some painful traumas from my past so I could move forward with my calling and be able to hold the space for others. I did Pierre’s 21 Day Personal Power and 21 Day Unconditional Self-Love program and all I can say is that my life and business instantly and profoundly transformed after completing these programs and I was able to help many other lives as a result. Not only did I heal my traumas, get my personal power back and find unconditional self-love after working with Pierre but I was able to help my clients who were experiencing similar painful challenges in their lives.
I can also attest that after doing these programs with Pierre’s loving and gracious presence and guidance that my business not only turned around but I had back to back months of the highest income generating months ever. I am convinced that I had I not worked with Pierre I wouldn’t have managed to break through the limiting beliefs that were holding me back, align with the truth of who I am and have the courage and confidence to boldly pursue my mission. And because I was able to step into my power and feel worthy and unconditionally loved so many people will benefit as a result of my transformation and growth as a ripple effect.
For anyone who is thinking of working with Pierre I wouldn’t give it a second thought–your life is too precious to wait a second longer when Pierre can help you navigate your way out of the darkness and find your way back to your divine and whole self again
Eva W.
In May 2013, I underwent your SPIRIT-inspired Celestial Light Healing Treatment. I had a diagnosis of spinal misalignment. Energetically I felt drained, fatigued, and unbalanced.
After undergoing your treatment, my entire body experienced a healing and was brought back into balance, in ways I never expected. I feel this restoration of wholeness to this day, like an energetic leak was sealed. I am grateful to SPIRIT for the healing gift of Celestial Light.
Many thanks!
Selidia J
Healing sessions with Pierre are wonderfully filled with higher energies as he takes you directly to the Source. You feel the divine space on many levels and recognize the unlimited possibilities for healing and inner wisdom. The process is multi-leveled and multi-dimensional, and it reverberates throughout all aspects of your being.|
It is then concluded with Pierre’s feedback that is always wise and unconditionally loving. It is a most unique, exciting, exhilarating, and blissful experience.
Ursula B.
Pierre supported me leading into a big launch and his insights changed my life. He helped me drop into an even deeper state of gratitude and abundance than I had ever experienced, and as a result I had the biggest launch of my career! His kind heart and patience helped guide our conversation to the root of the issue and he swiftly shifted my perspective and energy around the issue. He then led me through a powerful meditation and gave me tools that I continue to use on a daily basis. I'm so grateful for his gifts in the world as they have helped me transform and step into even more greatness in my life.
Bri S.
Thank you Pierre for the most incredible healing experience.
In March I was at a low ebb health wise, which led to me being hospitalised with what they thought was Giant Cell Arteritis. A pain that began in above my right eye socket, them progressed around the whole eye socket into the temple nerve, around my face & the back of my head which felt like a spiders web I was put on huge doses of steroids, had surgery on the main nerve in my face and was pasted from one hospital department to another with no diagnoses. It then started on the left side of my face, at this point I reached out to Pierre. All I had shared with Pierre was I was at an all time low, I’d lost my spiritual mojo, I felt lost and tired.
Pierre suggested Clearing: Negative Implant Removal. As soon as the session began the vibrant colours and geometric shapes I see returned, 10 minutes into the healing he found an implant over my right eye socket that went round onto my cheekbone and spread like a net round the back of my head!! A second smaller one on the other side!! There were other energies that Pierre worked on.... but boy how amazing is that!!
Feedback, every symptom has gone, the headaches, the blurred vision, the ache in my glands, the distorted high pitched ringing in my ears (which was very different from spiritual downloaded energy) most importantly I’m back emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically. I can not recommend this treatment highly enough. With love and gratitude Pierre
Jill W.
"Before enlightenment, chop wood and carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood and carry water."