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Ascension Yoga of Neutrality

Tue, Oct 12


Online Event

Moving into the first level of ascension: The Power Increase with Private Mentorship Session with Pierre Dubois

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Ascension Yoga of Neutrality
Ascension Yoga of Neutrality

Time & Location

Oct 12, 2021, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM

Online Event

About the Event

The world is in crisis. We find ourselves at a crossroad that will determine our survival or elevation into a better world. I have been consistently guiding, channeling, teaching, mentoring, and generally trying to prepare you for this very moment. At times it felt like I was speaking to the wind. But none of us can deny the potentially catastrophic world events that are looming on the future horizon, simultaneously pregnant with the seeds for a better tomorrow. Some people have ignored me. Others have heard me and have started the work but have gotten distracted by how the external chaos affected their own lives, inducing a loss of their faith and momentum.

Some of you have complained that what I am teaching is too complicated. This is because you may be intimidated by the scope of the transition that you have to make. You may be too comfortable in your life, privilege, and habit. Although you say you want ascension, how far down the rabbit hole are you willing to go to find it? Instead, some of you seek short cuts or hacks to the real work. You desire simplicity and quick results. I completely understand where you are coming from, but I can categorically say that there is no short cut. Here is why.

Ascension is the only escape from the wheel of death, rebirth, and suffering. IT IS THE EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD. TO ASCEND: YOU HAVE TO LET GO OF ALL 3D SELF-IDENTITIES. THE END. Who, what, and how you define yourself as being in this world are persistent and convincing illusions created by consciousness experiencing the world through the limited lenses of the five senses. They are a matrix or illusion that you need to awaken from and accept YOUR REAL IDENTITY. The 3D reality and your five senses have entranced you to be emotionally reactive and trapped in a powerful illusion. This is done through powerful collective and external fear events. ASCENSION is the process of dispelling the trance and redefining self. You have to let go of your singularity of awareness and transition into a super-positional collective awareness of your being. You have to divest out of these false beliefs and identities, emptying yourself into SOURCE OR THE LUMINOSITY – a form of existence that is unlike anything that you know. ASCENSION IS THE REALIZATION THAT YOU ARE THE LUMINOSITY.

That simple process is the HARDEST THING in the world for the 3D reality, and your five senses are bombarding your awareness with the contradictory data. It is counterintuitive, but it is what needs to happen for you to ascend. So, teachers have devised methodologies, techniques, teachings, healings and meditations to help the student achieve this surrender. They are tools to allow the student to transcend 3D reality into higher consciousness. It is like trying to teach someone how to become lucid in a dream.

All the lessons, mechanics, protocols, prayers, healings, emotional intelligence, and meditations that I have been teaching you are tools to help you AWAKEN and accept your true identity. They may appear complicated, but fundamentally, they about you accepting this QUANTUM AND COLLECTIVE IDENTITY.

Under different titles, techniques, spiritual exercises, and protocols I have been trying to teach you fundamentally the same thing. From the first exercise to what I am teaching you today, I am attempting to guide you to do two things: to let go and surrender your blind spots and experience the quantum, blessed, and expanded awareness. If you can truly surrender your negative ego and elevate into higher awareness, ascension is assured.

Every healing, prayer, meditation, coaching, channeling, and presentation that I do comes from the same place. I basically do the same thing. I elevate into a higher and expanded awareness. I then surrender the 3D challenge or difficulty into this vast field of light, and I wait. The solution-set healing and repair show up within seconds, often creating instantaneous and miraculous change and results.

Whether I am channeling, clearing, healing, mentoring, guiding someone in meditation, past-life regression or future-life projection, I start at with the same exercise, which is to elevate my consciousness into the quantum and blessed field. Once I am there, I am in an altered DMT God molecule-type-state of awareness. I can now share that awareness with anyone who has given me their permission to liberate them. The results are often instantaneous and miraculous repair and amelioration of pain and suffering.

STARTING ON Tuesday October 12th, 2021, from 7:00 to 9:00 PM EST, I am going to launch a collective mentorship of a few people into replicating the exact methodology that I use to manifest these changes. This will be a once-a-week, three-month group videoconference experience for a total of 12 consecutive weeks.

Keep in mind that this training will connect you to the FIRST LEVEL OF ASCENSION: THE POWER INCREASE. This will give you the ability to manifest and create change in the 3D world. In my book, “A Primer for Ascension,” I have stated that it was relatively ease to achieve. I have been hesitant to teach it, for power without love and wisdom to balance it corrupts. So over the years, I have attempted to expand your heart with training on emotional Intelligence first. However, given the urgent and chaotic events that are happening around the world, I am being guided to teach the first level of ascension.

The world is in desperate need of true heart-centered, conscious, illumined, and ascended leaders. More than 7 billion people need illumined planetary leaders to help them navigate the shift into the NEW EARTH. Are you prepared to be transformed into your true potential and guide humanity into the ascended tomorrow? Are you ready and prepared to make the necessary change that will align you with Divine Purpose? Do you want your life, work, and impact on the world to be guided by serenity and clarity no matter what is happening externally?

I will be sharing with you how I am able to do what I do. Join me as I guide you step-by-step through all the details of the breath control, emotional intelligence, psychological adjustments, removal of blind spots, and elevation of consciousness that will give access to the blessed and miraculous field.

Since I am connecting you with your power and latent ability to manifest and due to the potential of corruption of that power, I will curate this training. Please contact me so that we talk and I can determine your fitness for this training. 

I love you and thank you.


I just finished mentoring, guiding, and coaching a small group of 19 planetary leaders through this process and the results where beyond my expectations. I am truly proud of the effort, work, and transformation that I witnessed. I am being asked by my guides to repeat this training once again. See below for testimonial from the graduates of the past training:


I really feel like I have grown at my own pace during the Ascendance and Planetary Leadership sessions. At first, I was a little bit hesitant to join the group since I am relatively new to this and felt I might not be ready. However, Pierre told me I was ready and that is why the opportunity presented itself to me so I signed up and took a step forward. As imagined, a lot of members in the class are healers and/or “more advanced” than I am, but the way the class is set up, you can actually grow and more forward at your own pace. I know the bulk of the work comes after this in continuing the work, and I will need to continue discovering myself and truly becoming neutral.

This is a class I would recommend to anyone who is interested and is willing to step up. I definitely am happy that I was a part of this journey.


I took this class because I wanted to find a way to offer peace in a way that would make a signification difference to an increasingly-divided world. I knew that I didn’t know how to do it. Pierre Dubois has a vast amount of knowledge and experience. He teaches with grace and humor and is an excellent mentor. This class is not all book learning; to get results you have to practice and work on it. Some of the material is more esoteric than I hoped it would be, but it works.

If you are considering this class, I recommend that you speak with Pierre. I found that exploratory conversation very helpful.

Mary Ann

In this class, I felt like i was coming home to my true and genuine self. All of the techniques in progression allowed me to experience myself, my perspective, and my compassion in a "baby steps" fashion, like wading slowly into a warm bath. The most reverent and powerful part of it, was being in a group full of people at different levels of awareness. It created a full-circle experience: feeling at once like a beginner and a fellow, while simultaneously learning, connecting, and contributing deeply to the work of expansion within a community. It lends itself very well to informing and improving my life in literally every aspect: from parenting, to business, to friendships, loving relationships, and my concept of self-identity. Thanks a Million for sharing this work, and being a guide to a better humanity Pierre.


I signed up for the ascension class with Pierre very spontaneously after meeting him once. Upon completing our work together I found it to be a true gift. Having been blessed with many gifted teachers and advanced teachings during my 30 year spiritual journey, I found this class the perfect synthesis of my teachings and yet quite necessary for my opening to a path for realizing true ascendancy. This class led the way for me to create the mastery needed for my full potential and embodiment as a light worker during this transition into the New Earth. Pierre has a beautifully generous way of teaching while sharing very profound and sacred universal intelligence. His class was deeply compassionate, inspiring and experiential. His gift to guide us into these profoundly sacred practices is not easily explained in a few words it truly must be experienced.

Additionally,  I chose to add the private one on one sessions to my journey with Pierre,  which deeply served me to really pass through and integrate anything that is holding me back from my own ascension process. As well he was able to quickly understand my progress, he offered me encouragement and support with a clear laser beam neutrality, as a result I felt confident that these openings had always been my truth. I can not recommend this class enough. It will be a blessing and a gift to allow yourself this investment to jump into the unknown and to take this sacred journey with PIerre. No doubt you will feel deeply blessed in the process of your own leap onto your ascension path.


Ascension is the road less traveled. Even for those that consider themselves already on that road. Let me explain. In today's reality Ascension is offered and sold on every corner. Dressed up with ready-made courses that promise that all your dreams will come true. The reason why you haven't yet or been able to access IT is because...

And the answer lies in whatever they will show you. And it's usually advertised as a simple solution. That's what we are looking for simple solutions that in just a couple of weeks we will FINALLY get it.

That usually works for a while or it can even become part of your daily practice. HOWEVER, you usually end up still feeling like something is not quite right. LIFE shows up and once again you find yourself back almost at square one.

If this sounds familiar and you can agree the great news is that your not alone.

I am actually a spiritual teacher that has helped many with their journey and continue to do so. And I still had this feeling of needing to grow. I BELIEVE that we should always be in a space of expansion.

I was guided to take Pierre's course and it couldn't have come in a more precise time. I can tell you this if you're looking for a surface quick fix then don't waste your time or money.

However if you TRULY wish to expand and grow and dig deep...This course will take you step by step on a personal journey. Pierre doesn't do the work for you; he teaches YOU how to do the work for yourself. He guides you with integrity, honesty and knowledge. He truly is looking to assist you with your Accession.

When the student is ready the teacher shows up. THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE

So, if you read this all the way through take it as a direct message that it's for you if you are ready and have the willingness to do the work.


I have been guided by my guides to Pierre. And for nearly a year now I have had the blessing of Pierre’s leadership and mentorship.

 I have learnt great wisdom from Pierre’s teachings and this has empowered me and my life and I then have imparted knowledge  to others, which has also aided in empowering them.

 So I love how Pierre has empowered me and others, and  I feel this is a great opportunity for me to fulfill my life and soul purpose.

 I love the work you are teaching thank you Pierre I am grateful  Collette



Live video conferences will take place every Tuesday from 7:00pm to 09:00pm EST (12 sessions in total. We break one week between Christmas and New Year).

The book for the training: "A Primer for Ascension" by Pierre Richard Dubois

There will be homework assignments to help establish a daily spiritual practice. This is to accelerate you growth and evolution into your GODSELF.

Session Number One: WHAT IS ASCENSION? Done correctly, this training will connect you with the first level of ascension: THE POWER INCREASE. But with great power comes great responsibility. When you are a giant you move gently. This is test called: The Dweller on the Threshold.

The next two levels of ascension: THE HEART INCREASE AND THE INCREASE OF WISDOM.

Session Number Two: GIVING AND RECIEVING Learn about the Desire to Give and the Desire to Receive: the two great impulses that create the Tao, Chi or Prana, which permeates the entire Universe. How do you enter into that exchange in a balanced manner, aligned with spiritual laws? Removing Bread of shame, undeservedness, and fears with your breath. Your breath is the re-birthing of the soul into your body. Each breath allows your soul to travel through you all the way outside of time and space and into Source and Neutrality. Be conscious of this fact as you do your breathing practice. Neutrality and the Ho’ Oponopono.

Session Number Three: EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE Understand human biology and the provenance of your emotions, from the limbic system to the release of hormones, which change your cellular structure. Learn how to manage your emotions: identify what you are feeling and legitimize your perception of pain and suffering.

Neutrality and The Guardian Alliance of Light: A collective of beings from all species and dimensions of time and space that have chosen the PATH OF NEUTRALITY.

Session Number Four: THE GOD CONCEPT: What is God to you? For many this word is charged with the abuse of churches, fears, fire and brim stone. All God concepts are not the same. To some it is a tree, an animal, a force of nature, a judgmental man on a throne, energy, light or source. You can only ascend and elevate to the God concept that you hold. The Torsion Field of Guardian Alliance of Light is connecting you to the QUANTUN FIELD. The version of God that exist in that field is not a singularity of consciousness, but an infinite continuum of higher consciousness. The Veil of None Existence. A form of existence that is unlike anything that you know.

Session Number Five: ELEVATION INTO HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS Entering into the Vast Countenance: The quantum field laws as opposed to 3D reality cause and effect. Learning how to surrender your pain suffering and burden into endlessness. Higher function of the mind: DMT (Dimethyltryptamine), the Spirit Molecule. It exits in plants, animals, and in our brain. How to flood your consciousness with DMT without medicine.

Session Number Six: REMOTE HEALING Before you start, say the Ho’ opnopono multiple times to the person you are trying to heal. Do the Torsion Field of the Guardian alliance of Light around you? With your eyes close, locate the person around you in space. Now ask the Guardian Alliance to create a torsion filed around them. Once this is done, do the breath control while taken them into the blessed field, light, and luminosity.

Session Number Seven: SURENDERING MY BURDENS INTO THE BLESSED FIELD You are not God’s assistant. It is not your responsibility to fix, do, or repair anything. Whatever the challenge, it may be small or immense do the breath work and release it completely into SOURCE. To the degree that you let go and surrender will determine the speed at which the solution set and results will show up in your 3-D life. The power is not yours; it comes from the blessed field.

Session Number Eight: PAST LIFE REGRESSION In the Tibetan Book of the Dead the word “samsara” is translated as wheel. It is the wheel of life, death, and suffering that is keeping humanity trapped in the 3D reality. Yet, we are constantly being given opportunity to escape the wheel with the experience of “Bardo” a tern that means gap of transition between two states of being. Every time there is a Bardo – either after death, when we are dreaming, or while still living – we have an opportunity to face the INDIVISIBLE EMPTINESS AND LUMINOSITY and accept our true identity as the LIGHT. This is the only escape form samsara, the ascendance into the luminosity.

Session Number Nine: FUTURE LIFE PROJECTION: We are transitioning into a higher consciousness. Gaia, the earth, the animal, and plants are moving into a higher dimension, but is humanity moving with them? Although the opportunity exists for humanity to evolve into higher dimension, the truth is that the vast majority of the planet will not be doing the deep and transformational work that you are doing to ascend into the NEW EARTH. Yes, we are being help by the light of the Galactic Equator, but it is not a substitute for us doing THE WORK.

Session Number Ten: MONADIC MERGER We are a fragment of a collective of 144 pieces that were shattered in all dimensions of time and space as we descended the dimensional scales. That collective of 144 is our Monad or God self. For ascension to happen, we have to merger with these fragments of ourselves. This will require daily practice and the rewiring of our brain to allow the 12 pairs of cranial nerves that surround the pineal gland to activate and connect to the 24 Elders that Surrounds the Throne of Grace.

Session Number Eleven: MERGING THE TORSION FIELD AND THE BREATH WORK We are all members of the guardian Alliance of Light in-training. They gift us their torsion field in 4D, 5D, 6D…etc., and so on all the way back to Source. But being NEUTRAL on 3D is our responsibility. The breath work is one method to help us achieve this. Once this has become your normal routine, you will realize that the breath work will merge with the creation of the torsion field.

Session Number Twelve: THE CULTIVATION OF THE VIRTUES Each of the 143 other fragments of our Monad exist in a virtue or higher emotion. The Monad is composed of 144 virtues or higher emotions. Now we may have a dictionary definition of what these virtues are, but we do not have a visceral knowing of what they are. So, through this process, we will ask each of these parts of us to share with us the virtues that they know and one by one these virtues will come online as a visceral emotional experience.


Sign up for the live group mentoring sessions at the level of support and benefit that you need. If you need to be privately mentored by Pierre, see The Deluxe or Ultimate Pass.

Power Pass:

$792.00 investment in yourself. This is payable in one installment or 3 monthly installments of $264.00 at the beginning of every month.

Exclusive access to live videoconference Video recording of every session NO private mentorship session included

Deluxe Pass:

$1395.00 investment in yourself. This is payable in one installment or 3 monthly installments of $465.00 at the beginning of every month.

Exclusive access to live videoconference Video recording of every session Three (3 X 90) 90-minutes private breakthrough mentorship sessions with Pierre

Ultimate Pass:

$2,007.00 investment in yourself. This is payable in one installment or 3 monthly installments of $669.00 at the beginning of every month.

Exclusive access to live videoconference Video recording of every session Six (6 X 90) 90-minutes private breakthrough mentorship sessions with Pierre


  • POWER PASS One Payment

    12 videos conferences Starting on October 12th, 2021 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM EST.

    Sale ended
  • POWER PASS 3-payments $264.00

    12 Video conferences Starting on October 12th, 2021 from 7:00 to 9:00 PM (2 more payments of $264.00 due on the first of each succeeding month)

    Sale ended
  • DELUXE PASS One payment $1,395

    12 Video Conferences Starting on October 12th, 2021 with 3 - 90 minutes mentorship sessions with Pierre

    Sale ended
  • DELUXE PASS 3-payments $465.00

    12 Video Conferences Starting on October 12th, 2021 with 3 - 90 minutes mentorship sessions with Pierre. (2 more payments of $465.00 due on the first of the succeeding month)

    Sale ended
  • ULTIMATE PASS One payment

    12 Video Conferences Starting on October 12th, 2021 with 6 - 90 minutes mentorship sessions with Pierre

    Sale ended
  • ULTIMATE PASS 3-payment $669.0

    12 Video Conferences Starting on October 12th, 2021 with 6 - 90 minutes mentorship sessions with Pierre. (2 more payments due on the first of the succeeding months)

    Sale ended



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