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Finding the Protection, Mercy, and Grace of God

Sun, May 26



Prayers and Guidance for Safe Passage into the New Earth

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Finding the Protection, Mercy, and Grace of God
Finding the Protection, Mercy, and Grace of God

Time & Location

May 26, 2024, 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM


About the Event

As we witness rapid and accelerated changes and transformation taking place around the planet, it is easy to feel that you are in the center of whirlwind. Many of us want changes, but feel that the changes are happening too fast. A greater power is at play. It is clear that higher forces are orchestrating the shift and transit into the NEW EARTH.

However, given where humanity is standing and how far away the frequency of the NEW EARTH is, changes are happening faster than we would like. Here is the nature of the incoming frequency. The combine frequencies of the NEW EARTH are TRUTH, AUTHENTICY, and TRANSPARENCY. Thus, the Light of the approaching Galactic Equator is influencing the earth into a collective entrainment into the FULL DISCLOSURE of that frequency before the GALACTIC EQUATOR CROSSING. No more secrets. Whatever is hidden – internally or externally – will be revealed.

As human and imperfect beings, we lie to ourselves all the time. Not by malice, but from fear of facing our TRUTH and accepting how BIG, BRILLIANT, and EXTRAORDINARYwe are. Our typical slow evolutionary process leading to that realization must be accelerated. Full internal disclosure must happen before the Galactic Equator Crossing. Given that this Crossing is a few years away, we are being presented with multiple opportunities to correct our path and align with our truth. The rapid pace of these reveals is creating a fleury of challenges and identity crisis.

So, any foundational landmarks in our life are peeling away making us feel unsafe, scared, and even panic. By our own device and linear cognitive ability, we will not be able to transit into the New Earth. There are too many doubts, unknown, polarized and visceral perceptions. There is not enough time for normal human consciousness to parse truth from illusions The gap is too big for us to traverse alone. We are in need of help. We need the MERCY of HIGHER BENEVOLENT BEINGS for support, guidance, and clarity. We need GOD’shelp.

Join us on May 26th, 2024 from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm EST online for WESAK 2024. A day of connection to GOD, the Angels and the Spiritual Hierarchy. The theme this year is FINDING THE PROTECTION, MERCY, AND GRACE OF GOD: Prayer and guidance for safe passage into the NEW EARTH.

Join us online for live music, channeling, activation, prayers, love, and celebration. WESAK is the highest Spiritual festival of the year. As new dispensation and guidance comes in from the God and the Galactic Core and into the crown chakra of the earth located in Tibet; it is broadcast through the planetary grid for the spiritual and evolutionary benefit of humanity.

In attendance will be the entire Spiritual Hierarchy including but not limited to Mother Mary, Quan Yin, and Lord Melchizedek. Hear directly from the ascended masters on how to find safe passage and move through the quickening and acceleration with grace. This will be life changing. You don’t want to miss this.

If you are tired of being afraid, scared, and unsafe; join us to receive the blessings, ease, and support of the Celestial Hosts and find the REST OF GOD.

SPEAKERS: Chernise Spruell, Georgie Ayala, Pierre Dubois, and Selidia Juniis

MUSIC: Ellen Weiss, Janice Taylor, and Kathy Geary

Bless us with your Mercy Lady Quan Yin

Channeled by Pierre Dubois

Om Mani Padme Hum! Om Mani Padme Hum! Om Mani Padme Hum!

Hail you be the Flower of the Lotus!

Beloved Lady Quan Ying the Boddhisatva of Compassion and Mercy

You who hear the cries and suffering of the world

Hear our prayer. We are overwhelmed by the planetary catastrophic events

We are afraid, in fear, and panic.

We are scared for our safety and survival in these perilous times.

Blessed mother who took the vow not to leave no soul behind, do not forsake us. Grant us your Protection, Love, and Mercy.

Create a way for us to find safe passage that the floods, hurricanes, typhons, tornados, draught, wild fires, volcanos, earthquake, and tsunamis may not harm us and those we love.

Have mercy on us! You who are the embodiment of Universal Compassion

Create a way for us to find safe passage that the diseases, pathogens, and maladies may not touch us.

Have mercy on us! May your heart have pity for our profound vulnerability.

Create a way for us to find safe passage that the violent political and social discord, strife, and war do not destroy us and the world.

Have mercy on us! You who are the embodiment of Universal Love.

Create a way for us to find safe passage that the emotional agitation, poison rhetoric, and dark demonic influences may not blind us from expressing love.

Have mercy on us! You who are the embodiment of non-attachment; help us find peace and neutrality.

We surrender all these fears, burden, and emotional disempowerments into you, Oh Mother of Mercy.

Bless us with but a drop of the elixir from your immortal flask which contains your tears and we will instantaneously be renewed, healed, and enveloped by your light, protection, and love.

May your Heart sync with our heart banishing all darkness away from us.

May the Divine and Blessed Field through you anoint us with the wisdom that will give us the clarity to find safe passage.

Grant us internal and external Peace and Serenity and let us become your agent to help bring the rest of humanity in alignment with Divine Law.

May all pain and suffering end.

May humanity align to LOVE for it is the fundamental TRUTH that binds all things.

Hail you be the Heart the Lotus Flower: Quan Yin the Mother of Mercy!

Have mercy on us.

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