The Cultivation of the Virtues (3)
Tue, Apr 19
|Online Event
Learning the 144 Virtues of the Monadic Family with optional mentorship session with Pierre Dubois.

Time & Location
Apr 19, 2022, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Online Event
About the Event
The Cultivation of the Virtues
For ascension to happen, you have to master the three-fold flames of: LOVE, WISODM, and POWER. Your journey on the ASCENSION PATH OF NEUTRALITY, began with a connection to the Torsion field of the Guardian Alliance of Light to help master the Power Increase. Aligning your neutral torsion field to the generosity of Celestials from 12 higher dimensions all the way back to GOD. It was the opening of a dimensional portal all the way back to SOURCE. Next, came the merger with the Wisdom of your Monad or Mighty I am Presence. This part of the Ascension Yoga, expanded you into the awareness of the vast torsion and morphogenic field that includes the 144 fragmented pieces of yourself that exist in all dimensions of time and space. The merger with the Monad brought you face to face with the wisdom of GOD.
You are now ready to connected with the HIGHER VIRTUES that are fragments, frequencies, and vibrations of DIVINE LOVE. Through the practice of this part of the Yoga, you will discover that each of the 144 parts of your Monad exist in the mastery of a higher emotion or virtue. Although, you may have dictionary definitions for these 12 virtues; they are not imprinted in you. It is simply an intellectual and mental knowing. This part of the practice will teach you the visceral knowing that the 144 fragments of yourself has mastered.
No one but the soul extensions of your Monad will be able to share with you the visceral truth of the emotion that they know. This will create an intimate and personal transmission of that emotion to you. The only way I can describe this is to say that it feels like having an orgasm with a whole-body experience of that emotion. The after glow of that kind of cognitive experience last for days. It is a remembering of an energetic power long forgotten.
These experiences will mark you and expand your emotional repertoire into the richness of 144 Higher Emotions that you had discarded long ago in the process of descent. In the process of ascent, you will reverse engineer this fragmentation and learn from each broken piece of yourself the higher emotion that they know.
There are major differences between Force and Power. Force implies brutal imposition of your will, knowing, or understanding onto others. Power does not have to be imposed by force. There is power in gratitude, mercy, harmony and compassion. None of them can be broadcast with force with violating the core definition of what they are. This part of the Yoga will teach you how to connect to the visceral knowing of the virtues and the power that they hold.
There is a reason why ascension is accomplished by the mastery of the three-fold flames. The Wisdom of the Monad is the power or higher emotion USE RIGHTLY. This practice with blend the two previous part of the Yoga of Neutrality into a perfect expression and broadcast.
NOTE: The Ascendance and Planetary Leadership and Monadic Merger Trainings are pre-requisite for you to join this training.
I know that this sounds daunting, but everything that you need to achieve this goal will be provided in the training. It will require for you to have an open mind, to follow instructions, and to practice.
The Cultivation of the Virtues will begin on Tuesday April 19th, 2022 at 7:00 to 09:00 PM EDT and will continue for 12 consecutive weeks at the same time.
All the training topics and exercises are sequentially linked and so the knowledge base and the expansion in consciousness will depend on your focus, discipline, dedication, and application of the guidance received.
For those of you that are in different time zone, the recording of the training will be forwarded the following day for you to download and view at your convenience.
Sign up for the live group mentoring sessions at the level of support and benefit that you need. If you need to be privately mentored by Pierre, see The Deluxe or Ultimate Pass.
Power Pass:
$792.00 investment in yourself. This is payable in one installment or 3 monthly installments of $264.00 at the beginning of every month.
Exclusive access to live videoconference Video recording of every session NO private mentorship session included
Deluxe Pass:
$1395.00 investment in yourself. This is payable in one installment or 3 monthly installments of $465.00 at the beginning of every month.
Exclusive access to live videoconference Video recording of every session Three (3 X 90) 90-minutes private breakthrough mentorship sessions with Pierre.
Ultimate Pass:
$2,007.00 investment in yourself. This is payable in one installment or 3 monthly installments of $669.00 at the beginning of every month.
Exclusive access to live videoconference Video recording of every session Six (6 X 90) 90-minutes private breakthrough mentorship sessions with Pierre
Training Outline:
The Cultivation of the Virtues
Session Number One:
The Divine Virtues: With the merger with the Monad, you have managed to achieve cohesion and unity of consciousness. Now the Wisdom of the Mighty I am Presence or the knowing of the 143 other fragments that compose your monadic identity are with you. This does not mean that you know the right use of this vast expansion. For that to happen you have to cultivate a relationship with the 12 DIVINE VIRTUES: Peace, Love, Mastery, Control, Obedience, Wisdom, Harmony, Gratitude, Justice, Reality, Vision, and Victory.
Session Number two:
The Christed Overselves and the 12 Virtues: At each hand of the clock is an oversoul and that oversoul exist in a frequency and vibration that is one of the 12 Divine virtues. They have never separated from the visceral knowing of what that frequency and higher emotion is. As we reconnect with them, they are ready to share back with us the higher emotions and virtues that they know. It is not an intellectual or factual cognitive transmission, rather a visceral communication.
Session Number Three:
Understanding the Language of the Oversouls: You may at first sense words even sentence that will attempt to explain to you the higher emotion that the oversouls are trying to communicate with you. Keep a Journal next to you so that you can write down the download that you get. However, the words or sentence are the oversoul using the vocabulary of language to communicate ideas, concepts, and emotions that transcend language. They are not the true expression of the higher emotion.
Session Number Four:
First Upgrade: Cultivation of the Virtues: Each of the virtue that the oversoul exist in are composed of a subset of 12 complementary higher emotions. They are not synonyms of the emotion for they have a slightly different vibration like the same note on different octave. As each hand of the clock is a closed bud of a lotus flower that is one of the 12 higher emotions. But that lotus flower is composed of 12 petals that are the tributary higher emotions that composed the lotus.
Session Number Five:
Extracting the Virtues: While doing the practice, you may become aware during one connection more than one virtue, meaning, or significance. I recommend that you keep your spiritual journal close by so that you write down the meaning as the come and continue the practice. Moreover, it may appear to you that the same virtue is showing up under different flowers.
Session Number Six:
Visceral Resonance of the Extraction: There will come a moment when the communication from the oversouls will not be in words only. It will begin to show up as a powerful visceral experience that feels like having an orgasm with this specific emotion. At times, it may be that virtues download is so powerful that you cannot continue with the rest of the practice. As you try to move on, your emotional body keeps echoing the resonance and power of that emotion.
Session Number Seventh:
The Resonance of The Virtues: The download of the visceral knowing of the virtues may be so powerful that they last several days. This means that your practice will come to stop until full integration of that frequency imprint occurs. Do not muscle through the practice, but honor the scarceness of the inner energetic process taking place.
Session Number Eight:
Second Upgrade: Cultivation of the Virtues: There are major differences between Force and Power. Force implies brutal imposition of your will, knowing, or understanding onto others. Power does not have to be imposed by force. All these virtues have power. The right use in the expression of the Higher emotions is the key to elevated and ascended behavior and wisdom. Learning the right use from the oversouls.
Session Number Nine:
Of Omission and Commission: Learning when to use the power of a higher emotion is the key to continued and sustained spiritual growth and evolution. Knowing when to withhold and when to express and radiate the emotion is directly connected to the communication that your Monad is having with the people in your circle of influence. Remember the Law of None Interference.
Session Number Ten:
All Virtues are Subsets of Divine Love: All the virtues are subsets of Divine love. If Divine Love is a light the virtues are the reflections created by the light through a prism. In total, our monadic family will share with us 144 higher virtues. However, they are not the only virtues that we have to remember. Since the Monadic ascension is at the planetary level, it becomes the soul extension in a SOLAR MONAD. That solar monad has another 144 even higher virtues to remember. This process continues all the way back to GOD.
Session Number Eleven:
Embodying the Power of the Virtues: This part of the yoga is put you in touch with Spiritual Intelligence. It is a process whereby the already ascended aspects of you will share with you the emotions and vibration that they know reminding you of the gifts, abilities, and powers that you shed in your descent.
Session Number Twelve:
Learning how to broadcast the Virtues: At first comes the remembrance of the virtues, learning how to allow back in us frequencies and vibrations that we discarded long ago. Next, we have to nurture them and let them be integrated into our repertoire of emotions that way we step into our ascended bodies and powers. This is the broadcast of the virtues.
POWER PASS one payment
One time payment for 12 live video conferences starting on April 19th, 2022 at 7:00 PM
$792.00Sale endedPOWER PASS 3 payment $264.00
12 Video conferences Starting on April 19th, 2022 from 7:00 to 09:00 PM (2 more payments of $264.00 due on the first of each succeeding month)
$264.00Sale endedDELUXE PASS one payment
12 Video Conferences Starting on April 19th, 2022 with 3 - 90 minutes mentorship sessions with Pierre
$1,395.00Sale endedDELUXE PASS 3 payments $465.00
12 Video Conferences Starting on April 19th, 2022 with 3 - 90 minutes mentorship sessions with Pierre. (2 more payments of $465.00 due on the first of the succeeding month)
$465.00Sale endedULTIMATE PASS one payment
12 Video Conferences Starting on April 19th, 2022 with 6 - 90 minutes mentorship sessions with Pierre
$2,007.00Sale endedULTIMATE PASS 3 payments
12 Video Conferences Starting on April 19th, 2022 with 6 - 90 minutes mentorship sessions with Pierre. (2 more payments due on the first of the succeeding months)
$669.00Sale ended