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Balancing Personal Accountability and Surrendering to GOD

The spiritual path is a personal journey toward God. It means that you are always actively engaged in examining your connection to the Divine. In the process of this examination, you have to access your responsibilities versus what belongs to God. This process is nuanced for it may not always be clear when you are supposed to act and when you are to surrender your burdens into the Divine.

As you move through your spiritual journey, you will pray to the Divine: to ask for help, to praise God for blessings received, and to reconcile yourself to God. Your payer is your act of surrendering your burden, fears, and difficulties into the Divine. Typically, these prayers are answered, but not in the manner that you expect. Sometimes the answer is a vision or image, a sensation of a wave of understanding washing over you, or an epiphany that takes place during or soon after the end of the prayer. At other times, it comes hours if not days later as a series of words that get highlighted in your consciousness while you are talking to someone, reading a magazine, or looking at an advertisement. Finally, there are moments when there is no answer at all. I have crossed that boundary, but not often. When I persist and ask God again, this is what I typically hear: “It is on a need to know basis, and right now, Pierre, you don’t need to know.”

Once you have your answer, it is time for you go into action and apply the wisdom that you have received to change and transform your life. After all, knowledge without application becomes perverse. What good is it to have spiritual knowledge and understanding if you are not using that information to alter and better your life? God cannot change your life if you are not willing to do your part. This is a part of your relationship with the Divine where you become personally accountable for your actions. You have to act on the Divine inspiration to demonstrate to yourself and the Divine that you are listening.

What I have just described above is an ideal scenario, but in real life, it is a lot more complicated. Many of us cannot figure out when and what we should surrender as opposed to what we should do. This is partly because we lack certainty in our connection to the Divine. Consequently, we second-guess the answers and think that we have to “do” when we really have to “hold still” or vice a versa.

Additionally, many of us suffer from a complex that I call being “God’s assistant.” We think we know what everyone around us should do so that all their pain and suffering can be removed. It is based on a co-dependent personality that moves to help solve the problems of everyone we come in contact with. The root of the problem is that such a person’s psyche is enmeshed with everyone else. They are typically major micro-managers. They typically have a hard time letting go and surrendering.

If this is you, ask Master Dwjhal Khul to anchor into your body the core fear removal programming and to remove this program, sub-programs, replicator programs, and related programs; and to please do this on a continual basis for the rest of the day/night until it is all gone.

Finally, many of us feel underserving of the ease with which God can remove our pain and suffering. The shame drives us to feel that we have to do something in order to accept such a blessing. Thus we are compelled to apply an effort or do something to remove the shame.

If this is you, you can ask Master Dwjhal Khul to remove that program as mentioned above.

The truth is that the more you cultivate your relationship with God, the more skilled you will be at knowing when to surrender and when to act. The major key here is trust and certainty in the Divine in the face of impossible and contradictory odds. My advice to you: converse to God on a daily basis and in no time you will instinctively know when to let go and when to act.

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