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Remembering your Way Home Prediction 2025

Writer's picture: prduboisprdubois

Channeled by Pierre Dubois


I am Lord Melchior, a member of the Galactic Regent Council—the Council of 12 Elders who oversee the evolutionary growth of the Milky Way—speaking to you as proxy for the entire collective. We see you and your struggles, and we project and envision your emancipation, elevation, and expansion into a celestial being.  

None of you can ignore that rapid changes are restructuring your reality. For over 10 years, we have been guiding you with predictions and consciousness-expanding suggestions to help you change, transform, transmute, and evolve into galactic citizens. The opportunity to move from your earthly plane into becoming a galactic being will present itself at the moment of the Galactic Equator Crossing, a few years from now. At that rare cosmological event, all the gates will be open and the power of your focus, certainty, and intention will guide you into the reality that matches your core frequency.

To achieve such a great task, you have work to do. Let us start at the beginning. Years ago, we told you that the frequency or bridge leading to the heavenly realms are TRUTH, AUTHENTICITY, AND TRANSPARENCY.  What does truth mean to you right now? Truth is not a fixed point but a continuum of knowing. The truth that you hold at this moment is very different from truth in the Galactic Core. Be tolerant of the limitations of others who do not share or are unaccepting of your truth. This is a personal and evolutionary process, and everyone is on their own journey. Be tolerant of the slowness of others. Not everyone is as smart and wise as you are. Moreover, your current truth will change and evolve with time.

Authenticity means that you exist in the world as your REAL SELF. It sounds simple, but in your descent into this lower density, your psyche fractured into multiple sub-personalities. As you move about your day, these various personas take over and may act in manners that are inauthentic to your core belief, for the sake of survival, acceptance, belonging. They are masks that you wear so that you can be accepted and loved by others. You need to remember who you are, let go of the personas that are ego based, and embrace your galactic and Godly origin. Your Godly self is a unique vibratory signature that no one else possesses. Finding your authentic nature takes years of letting go of false beliefs and identities to allow your vibratory fingerprint to show up. A hint: it is an experience of extreme vulnerability, for your core was buried long ago as a forgotten treasure. Discovering it may seem a sacrilege even to SELF, and the initial instinct is too burry it even deeper. If you have that experience, you are getting close to your authentic core. 

To be transparent is to stop hiding and holding secrets. For the sake of survival, you have been domesticated into lying and holding secrets for tactical benefit, defense, and power. Your shame and undeservedness stemming from potential internal flaws are a large contributor to this mentality of secret keeping. This creates deep and profound isolation and a consciousness filled with suspicion that is always scanning for danger. This goes against Cosmic Truth: separation is an illusion. You have to learn to forgive yourself for being broken and imperfect. This will go a long way toward the beginning of your healing. Revealing your secrets to someone who loves you will further unburden you greatly and let in freedom and the restoration of internal flow. This does not mean you walk around and emotionally flash everyone. Have discernment and understand that the secrets you carry are the heaviest for you. Be transparent to yourself, live in truth, and that righteousness will liberate you from bondage.

If you can adjust your consciousness to exist in Truth, Authenticity, and Transparency, the road to the higher realms will become visible to you. These are the accelerants broadcast from the Galactic Core as a corrective frequency to help elevate humanity to the expected evolutionary marker leading to the Galactic Equator Crossing. If used correctly, it will allow you to move rapidly along the evolutionary ladder. Something that would normally take multiple lifetimes to master, can now be achieved in months and years. However, many will be too invested in tit-for-tat retaliation, anger, being right, and personal ego agendas, and they will need more time to grow and evolve. In this instance, the opposite will happen; they will decelerate and go into parallel realities that will afford them the exact environment for the growth that they need. In the end, all souls will be redeemed.


These are disorienting times, and the challenges, fears, and existential crises that you face are opportunities for you to let go of the illusions of the 3D.  When your 3D self-reliance fails, you will find strength, healing, and power in the emerging and transcendental knowing of the higher dimensions.  Once found, that strength, will, and power will temper your consciousness to command the forces of nature to open the gates into the New Earth at the moment of the Galactic Equator Crossing.


This Galactic Equator Crossing will be a pivotal time when the galactic sheet will crest your planet and solar system to bath directly in the Light of the Galactic Core for 3 days. These maximum peaks and valleys created by the waves and ripples of the galactic sheet are cyclical and occur 8 times during one galactic year, which is 250 million years in duration. This one will be the 7th of this galactic year.  These moments are powerful catalysts that can accelerate growth and cause powerful shifts and evolutionary changes. With the right intention in your heart and a reconfigured and strengthened consciousness, you can find safe passage to the realm and reality that you resonate with.

At the moment of the Galactic Equator Crossing and the 3 days of darkness, you will not be able to trust any of your five senses. The sun will disappear and the world will be in darkness. You will hear howling sounds that will be as loud as thunderclaps. You will see strange lights and horrible visions. They will generate deep fear. If you remain in that fear, you will travel to the wrong reality. Instead, stay indoors and close all blinds and curtains. At that time, you will need to demonstrate the mastery of your spiritual practices over the previous years and broadcast the transcended frequency of your authentic core. Your overcoming of all the catastrophic events of the previous years will now help you generate a beacon that will traverse this doorway and take you to a reality that matches your Core vibratory signature.

We know this all sounds like a fairy tale to you. But when it happens, for it will, remember what we just said. Stay indoors with windows closed and remain in prayer. Don’t trust your five senses but lean on the transcended knowing that is within you. After 3 days, the sun will return, and you will find yourself in your elevated destination.     


However, not everyone is going to the same place. There are many rooms in the heavens. As may be evident by looking around you, there is a huge schism that this catalyzing frequency is revealing. The world is fragmenting into multiple parallel realities. You are all diverging into separate worlds, paths, and realities. Each one of you will have to make an individual choice to travel to a reality that is a matching frequency to the truth that you hold in your core at the time of the Galactic Equator Crossing. Friends, neighbors, and family members may choose to journey somewhere else.

This is not a bifurcation between two opposites but the separation into multiple parallel realities. So far identified are the following parallel realities: the reparation of the 3D world path, the anarchy path, the xenophobic path, the technologically enhanced- or trans-human path, the spiritually hedonistic path, the chemical shortcut or bypass path, the surface spirituality path, the do-nothing path, and the path of accelerated spiritual practice. All these parallel worlds are overlapping and occupying the same space seeking to attract souls into their vortex before the divergence of the Galactic Equator Crossing. Whatever reality you select to travel to is a personal and individual choice. If you choose to follow others instead of making a conscious decision, you still have made a choice. This is the reason why we have been sending you these yearly messages to encourage you to own your consciousness and sovereignty and make a free-will decision.

On the future horizon, we continue to see the climate change events as a challenge: more severe hurricanes, floods, drought, wildfires, volcanos, and earthquakes. Unfortunately, there are no safe places to go, only safe people who have done the work and are now vibrating in transcendence. The earth’s magnetic field is reversing, and this will create slippage on the planet’s tectonic plates, not to mention the disruption to the strength of the magnetosphere of the earth, making the planet more vulnerable to space radiation. Although initially threatening, this is a good thing, for at the time of the Crossing, the Transformative Light of the Galactic Core will touch the earth with ease and elevate the entire planet. The codes that hold the 3D world in place by the rules of the deceiver, the King of this World, are currently being held in place in the magnetosphere of the earth. This will allow a reset or reboot to take place with a celestial upgrade to envelop the planet. 


Notable is the rebalancing of planetary wealth. How exchange occurs on earth is not equitable, and that will be corrected, causing many to lose and others to gain. The world’s financial system will begin to be restructured. Stopgap measures and fixes of the existing system will be proposed but will fail. This will eventually lead into a system that will not be based on debt but on collective fulfillment and happiness.  Great and influential countries will implode from within as their past karma come demanding correction. World leaders will lose power, influence, and even their lives.

Keep in mind that these are the highest potentials for manifestation that exist on the future horizon. How any of these land will depend on the choices that humanity makes. You can still change these outcomes by being more accountable and aligned with your heart.

In the year to come, many will experience great fears arising from loud and threatening external events and circumstances. Stand fast in your spiritual practice, for GOD is in charge of everything. Everything that you will experience is permitted to happen by GOD. Stop being afraid, for you are anointed by GOD, and no harm will come to you. Rest in that knowing and calm down. Let GOD guide your path safely into higher consciousness. 

I, Melchior, believe in you. I await your arrival in the Galactic Core. By witnessing your growth, evolution, and emancipation. I am supporting, loving, and cheering your expansion into becoming my equal. In truth, that part of you is already here with us. It is simply asleep and needs to awaken and remember.

I am Melchior, speaking for the Galactic Regent Council. Thank you for allowing me to be your witness and love today.    

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